Speech Therapy | Telepractice Services | Voice and Swallowing Center | Waldo County General Hospital

Assess Your Voice

Disclaimer: For purposes of vocal health screening only. Regardless of any score obtained on this VFI-10, any signs/symptoms/concerns regarding vocal health should be promptly reviewed by a physician.

A total score above 15 may indicate the presence of a voice problem requiring medical review and professional voice evaluation.

For further information, call 207-338-9349 or email speech@wcgh.org.

Click here to take the voice survey

Rosen, C, Lee A, Osborne J, Zullo T, Murray T. Development and Validation of the Voice Handicap Index-10. Laryngoscope 114: September 2004. pp 1549-1556.

Revised: Towey, Michael P. Voice & Swallowing Center of Maine/Waldo County General Hospital. 2004. Belfast, Maine 04915
